TEAL'C --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Played by Christopher Judge. An alien to --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- be introduced in the debut episode, of --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the species we will come to know as --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- "Jaffa". The Jaffa got their name --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- because they carry in cross shaped --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- pouches on their bellies, a small --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- symbiote. The symbiote is actually the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- larval state of the Goa'ulds. There is a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- strong symbiotic relationship between --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the larva and the Jaffa host because the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- symbiote guarantees its host immunity --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to all viral or bacterial infection and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- indeed most non-infectious diseases --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- such as heart disease or cancer. For --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- this reason, Jaffa live to be very old. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Teal'c, though he looks 35, is actually